Harry and Meghan: Relations with Prince Charles – Royals have broken

Harry and Meghan: Relations with Prince Charles - Royals have broken

One of the larger themes of Prince Harry (36) in the year’s interview with Oprah Winfrey (67) was her relationship with her family. Harry made it clear how much of a relationship between his father Prince Charles (72) and his brother Prince William (38) has been in recent years and how much the relationship has broken up in the present.

When Harry and Meghan (39) took a family break in Canada with their son Archie (1) from November 2019 to January 2020, Queen (94) was more interested in the fate of his wife than his grandson and Prince Charles .

Harry revealed: “I had three conversations while we were in Canada. with my grandmother And before having two conversations with my father, he stopped taking my phone and said, ‘Can you please write what your plan is?’ A clear message. During this time in Canada, Harry and Meghan make the final decision to leave the royal family.

“It is paining”

To this day, Harry cannot understand the lack of support from his father. “so many things to do. I really feel like going through something similar. He knows how the pain feels, ”Harry says, Charles’ unsuccessful relationship with his mother, Lady Diana (tr. 36), and his tragic accidental death.

In 1995 Princess Diana with her sons Harry (left) and William and husband Prince Charles.  A year later he installed the British heir to the throne.

In 1995 Princess Diana with her sons Harry (left) and William and husband Prince Charles. A year later he installed the British heir to the throne.Photo: John EGGTT / AFP

Harry believes that his mother Diana must have been very angry and saddened by the way she handled the castle and her Meghan situation. “Eventually, she just wanted us to be happy.” He felt the presence of his late mother during the entire process, and Harry felt that Diana had seen it coming. Without the money Diana left Harry, she and Meghan were not able to part with the royal family.

But even though his late mother supported him more indirectly than Charles during this difficult time, Harry makes it clear how important his father is to him: “Archie is his grandson.” I will love him forever, but there is a lot of pain. I will continue to make this relationship one of my priorities to heal. ”

Have a good face for a bad game?  On July 6, 2019, Royals named Harry and Meghan's son Archie

Have a good face for a bad game? On July 6, 2019, Royals named Harry and Meghan’s son ArchiePhoto: AP

Relationship with his brother William

Princess Harry and William lived together for decades in public life and were always considered the castle’s dream team. Prince Harry enjoyed more freedom than his elder brother William, who would one day receive the British throne.

But in the meantime the brothers split up and the relationship soured. Harry tells Oprah, “I love William very much. He’s my brother. We went through hell together But you know, we are on different paths. “Currently this relationship is at some distance.

Nevertheless, Prince Harry hopes that at some point they will find each other again on their separate paths. “Time heals all wounds, hopefully,” Harry said.

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