Hartz IV authority for additional requirements for dietary supplements

Hartz IV authority for additional requirements for dietary supplements

Supplements are taken to replace the nutrients and vitamins to make up for the deficiency. Supplements should be taken whenever there is a need to balance a deviant diet.

Are Expensive Supplements Claimed?

However, these funds are very expensive and cannot be used to pay for Hartz IV standard benefits. However, job centers repeatedly refuse to pay for taking necessary supplements due to health conditions.

The SGB II also sees it that way. Any diet that deviates from a whole food diet and thus exceeds the “normal” cost is considered more expensive and is generally not covered. Such supplements are usually not financed by health insurance companies.

Job Center rejects additional need for food supplements

The State Social Court of Lower Saxony-Bremen overturned the decision of the Social Court in Oldenburg in June and ruled that a person who needs nutritional supplements after a gastric bypass operation and a doctor’s recommendation ALG II (L13) can be claimed as an additional cost. AS 132/20 BER).

Medical need for dietary supplements is the determining factor for additional needs

“An additional requirement of a reasonable amount has been recognized for beneficiaries who require costly nutrition for medical reasons, in accordance with § 21 para. 5 SGB II.”

However, the stipulation is that there is “a causal relationship between medical reasons and an expensive diet”. If so, those affected are entitled to 10 percent of the standard rate to cover additional costs, that is, 43.20 euros per month at 432 euros. In the case of an obviously higher cost, a higher claim can be claimed.

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