Hearty Rhubarb Vegetable Recipe – Perfect for Entertaining

Hearty Rhubarb Vegetable Recipe - Perfect for Entertaining

So healthy…
Rhubarb is loaded with vitamins and minerals and can also be prepared with heart. With other healthy green vegetables and nuts and healthy fats from goat cheese, you can make a delicious salad with hot components.


Beans, Rhubarb, Goat Cheese Rolls, Baby Spinach

Wash the beans and cut off the ends. Wash and peel the rhubarb and cut it into 3-cm pieces. Cut goat cheese into equal sized slices. Wash baby spinach. Preheat the oven to 200 degree Celsius above/below flame.

Beans, Vegetable Oil, Water, Salt and Pepper

Put oil and water in a pan. Add beans and toss in pan. Season with salt and pepper. Boil for 20 minutes, turning occasionally.

Pine nuts

Meanwhile, toast the pine nuts in a small pan without oil.

Rhubarb, Honey, Goat Cheese Roll

Spread rhubarb on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Drizzle over 1 tablespoon honey and stir. Bake for a total of 10 minutes. After 5 minutes, put goat cheese roll in it and bake it for 5 minutes.

Walnut Oil, Pomegranate Vinegar, Honey, Salt and Pepper

For the walnut oil dressing, pomegranate vinegar And add honey. Season with salt and pepper.

Vegetables, Goat Cheese, Pine Nuts, Dressing

Now put the prepared vegetables in a bowl, add the dressing and mix. Place the cooked goat cheese on the salad. Garnish with roasted pine nuts.

A hearty rhubarb vegetable recipe with all the necessary ingredients and the simplest preparation – healthy cooking with FIT FOR FUN

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