Heavy pregnant thrown at Aldi because of mask

Supermarkt Aldi-Filiale für Kunden
Supermarket Aldi branch for customers
symbolic image | © istockphoto / huettenhoelscher

According to one customer, Aldi employees are said to have thrown a heavily pregnant woman out of a discount store. This scandal is due to the mask illusion.

The mask requirement at Aldi has now turned into a real scam. Because a heavily pregnant customer is said to have been kicked out by a discounter.

Mask Illusion Gets Deadly

The various rules on the compulsion to wear masks always lead to confusion. It is clear that masks must be worn in supermarkets and discounters. But which one is right? Because hygiene measures and mask rules are different everywhere and not standardized.

However, the rules not only differ from one state to another. Deviations and other lawful regulations are possible even within individual retail chains. This clutter often confuses customers. This was now apparently fatal for a heavily pregnant woman.

Repeatedly rejected customers

In fact, it turns out that customers turn away time and again. Then they cannot shop at the supermarket or discounter because they are wearing the wrong mask. In Baden-Württemberg, FFP2 masks must be worn in many areas. But a heavily pregnant Aldi customer is said to have been kicked out of a discounter in Mannheim.

The customer explained on Aldi’s Facebook page: “I was kicked out of Aldi in Mannheim when I was too pregnant because I was not wearing an FFP2 mask. In general, I found my handling of the situation suspicious, but that your staff The situation was being approached out of proportion by … to be honest, I can’t find the words.”

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“regardless of harm” – measures implemented

Customer demanded more humanity from Aldi: “According to the employee, you can’t make an exception because of everything. However, my 39th week of pregnancy really can’t be ignored and the pregnancy – especially towards the end – It may be difficult, it’s nothing new. I look forward to more humanity again in the future!”

In Aldi-Süd, similar complaints are currently being received from customers. More recently, a customer complained on a Facebook page that her father, an elderly man, was also “summarily kicked out” because he wanted to shop without an FFP2 mask. Not all customers are in favor of the affected people. Many users also defend Aldi’s behavior and refer to the dealer’s domicile rights.

Aldi commented on the complaint as follows: “If we were harsh with you, of course we are very sorry. However, we are bound by existing legal rulings and must enforce them on the site. Since (…) BW Wearing an FFP2 or comparable mask is mandatory in the U.S., so our employees should also apply.”

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