Holy Week and Easter in the Clergy Room

Holy Week and Easter in the Clergy Room

Sometimes the start time of ceremonies has been postponed so that the curfew can be observed from 10 am to 5 am. Adults must wear an FFP 2 mask for all church services, an everyday mask is sufficient for children and adolescents between 6 and 15 years of age. Only marked locations may be taken.

In the parish of the Holy Family, the faithful must register for services on telephone number (08421) 4895. There is no church chanting. Easter dishes are also blessed in services on Easter Monday and, if necessary, in weekday services in Easter week. Contaminated water can be filled with holy water barrels in churches from Easter Sunday. A suitable vessel will have to be brought with you.

Easter salt in Mariahilf Chapel, bottles with holy water and Easter candles will be taken away from Easter. There are also suggestions for church services and various impulse cards.

Green thursday

Guardian Angel Church: Informal service with Bishop Gregor Maria Hanke at 7.30pm, followed by a short obeisance; St. Walburga Monastery Church: 7 pm .; Parish Church of St. Johannes Rebord: 7 pm .; Church Wierzehn-Nathelfer Wasserzel: 8 pm; Parish Church of St. Johannes Oberichstet: 7 pm; Holy Family Parish Church: 7.30pm .; Church of St. Benedict Landershofen: 7.30pm .; Church of St. Nicholas Pfnz: 7.30 pm

good Friday

Guardian Angel Church: 9 o’clock of the Cross, 11 o’clock Station of the Cross for children and families with pictures, 3 o’clock Celebration of Christ’s suffering and death with Bishop Gregor Maria Hanke; St. Walburga Monastery Church: Stations of the Cross at 9 o’clock, 3 o’clock in the afternoon and celebration of Christ’s death; Parish Church of St. Johannes Riborf: Celebration of the suffering and death of Christ at 3 in the afternoon; Wasserzell Church: Station of the Cross at 9.30am, 3pm pm celebration and celebration of Christ’s death; Parish Church St. Johannes Oberichstate: Celebration of the suffering and death of Christ at 3 in the afternoon; Parish Church of the Holy Family: Celebration of Passion at 3pm and the death of Christ Church; St. Benedict Landershofen: Celebration of Christ’s suffering and death at 10 o’clock station of the cross, 3 o’clock in the afternoon; Church of St. Nicholas Pfannz: 10 am Station of the Cross, 3 pm. Celebration of the Passion and Death of Christ.

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Holy Saturday

Guardian Angel Church: 7pm with Bishop Gregor Maria Hanke; St. Walburga Monastery Church: 7.30pm .; Wasserzel Church: 8pm across the street (near the cemetery); Parish Church of St. Johannes Oberichstate: 7.30pm; Holy Family Parish Church: 8 pm; St. Benedict Landershofen Church: 8 pm .; Church of St. Nicholas Pfnz: 8 pm

Easter Sunday

Guardian Angel Church: 10 am (with radio broadcast) with Bishop Gregor Maria Hanke;

St. Walburga Monastery Church: 9.30am and 10.45pm; Parish Church St. Johannes Reiborf: Easter Vigil open air (school yard) at 6 am and 10.30 am; Wasserzel Church: 9 am .; Parish Church of St. Johannes Oberichstate: 9am; Holy Family Parish Church: 9.30 am; Church of St. Benedict Landershofen: 9.15am .; Franberg: 10 am.

Easter Monday

By 5 April, the Ordinary Sunday Order will be in force again. In addition, there is mass gathering at Heilig-Kruse-Sirikh in Wintershof at 9.15 am and in front of the Franberg Chapel at 10 am. EK

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