Homophobic word used: Matt Damon revises his statement

Homophobic word used: Matt Damon revises his statement

homophobic word used
Matt Damon revised his statement

Matt Damon gives an interview that also deals with hate speech. In doing so, it is revealed that he has long used a homophobic expression to insult others. This doesn’t go down well with many, a stormy storm breaks out. Now the Hollywood star is defending himself and contradicting himself.

In a recent interview with the Sunday Times, actor Matt Damon said he stopped using the homophobic “F-word” in English a few months ago after his daughter told him the problem in a written text. It didn’t go well on social media.

Damon said in conversation that he made a joke at a dinner party that included the F-word. It was a gag from the film “Stuck on you” (“Inseparable”), in which he starred in 2003. His daughter heard this, went to her room and wrote “a very long, wonderful treatise on why the word is dangerous”, Damon continued. “I said ‘I’m leaving the f insult!’ I understood.” However, in his childhood and youth, it was customary to use the word, as it had a different meaning at that time.

There was a lot of ridicule and criticism for Damon, especially on Twitter that a 50-year-old man should understand without even essaying his daughter that a swear word against homosexuals hurts many. So Damon has now stepped up once again and writes a detailed statement – which makes things worse for some.

“I don’t use abusive words!”

In his statement, excerpted from “Variety”, Damon now claims that he never used the term in a personal context: “In my personal life I have never used the F-word to describe anyone. , and this conversation with my daughter was not a personal awakening. I don’t use any kind of abusive words.” Nonetheless, he made it clear: “Given that open hostility towards the LGBTQ+ community is still not uncommon, I understand that my statement led many to believe the worst. As much as possible, I am LGBTQ+.” + -I stand with the community.”

After all, Matt Damon is a role model for many, as he has been one of Hollywood’s most sought-after actors for decades. His third film in 2021 with “The Last Duel” will release next October. He will appear alongside his longtime partner Ben Affleck in Ridley Scott’s historical drama.

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