Hong Kong: China’s leadership adopts radical electoral reform

Hong Kong: China's leadership adopts radical electoral reform

China Extends its effect Hogcog and further. A fundamental reform of the electoral law gives Beijing control over the selection of candidates for parliamentary elections in the Special Administrative Region and thus can exclude applicants who are not considered loyal.

director Xi Jinping The state-run Chinese news agency Xinhua reported that changes to the electoral law should be published on Tuesday. The change in the electoral system of the Special Administrative Region has been confirmed by Tam Yiu-chung, the sole representative of the National People’s Congress, Hong Kong’s sole representative, told the news agency AFP.

The People’s Congress of China introduced a change in electoral law in the Special Administrative Region in mid-March. Its purpose is to ensure that Hong Kong can only be run by “patriots”. With this, Beijing wants to gain control over the selection of candidates. Among other things, the Chinese leadership has to obtain veto rights to be able to exclude certain candidates.

The reform includes, among other things, an increase of 70 to 90 seats in the Hong Kong Parliament. According to the electoral reform, only 20 out of 35 seats will be allocated by direct election in the future, as Tam said.

In most seats, the committee awards

A majority of 40 seats is given by a committee loyal to Beijing. The remaining 30 MPs are to be elected from so-called specialist constituencies, which represent some industries and have also traditionally been considered loyal to Beijing. According to the reform, the candidates will have to undergo the examination of their political views. According to TAM, the committee to lead this investigation will be formed by Hong Kong officials. The new national security apparatus is also to be included in the candidate approval process.

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There was widespread international criticism of electoral law reform before it was formally ratified. After the Chinese People’s Congress moved forward for the changes, the European Union and the US accused the People’s Republic of violation of Hong Kong’s autonomous rights. foreign Minister Antony Blink The 1997 “Sino-British Joint Declaration” was spoken at the time of the direct attack on autonomy granted to Hong Kong.

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