Our former colleague and editor-in-chief, Uwe Reichert, has been awarded the Bruno H. Bergel Prize 2021 by the Astronomical Society for his outstanding contribution to popularizing astronomy in the German-speaking region. Reichert was the responsible editor-in-chief of “Stern und Weltram” (SUW) from 2008 to April 2019 and then retired after being responsible for the magazine’s content and development for a total of 13 years. SuW is a globally unique collaboration product between a small team of active professional astronomers, the amateur astronomical community and science journalists.
In 2008 Reichert took over management of the SUW editorial team from his predecessor, Jacob Staud. After that, he made an outstanding contribution to ensuring that SUW remained the leading medium for generally understandable astronomy in the German-speaking world – even in difficult times for the media world.
Uwe Reichert’s special achievements also include the efficient adaptation of the SuW editorial concept to the new requirements of the Internet and smartphones. These measures made the print medium attractive to the younger generation. These included, among other things: the expansion of the website, the establishment of our own Twitter channel @Sterne_Weltraum, and our own YouTube video series “Astroviews” with current astronomical content.

© Spectrum of Science (Excerpt)
Uwe Reichert
The Verlag Spectrum der Wissenschaft is pleased to present the award for Reichert’s services to basic astronomical education and takes the award as an incentive to continue his outstanding work.
Dear Uwe, our warmest congratulations on this award!
Web guru. Amateur thinker. Unapologetic problem solver. Zombie expert. Hipster-friendly travel geek. Social mediaholic.