How does the language not end in the same German

How does the language not end in the same German

Stephen Dollinger compares Canadian English to Austrian German. He thinks that more confidence is needed in this country so that this language does not end in uniform German.

It is a childhood dream that I can now work on ‘Austrian Dictionary’, ‘ÖWB’, “says Stephen Dollinger. Upper Austrian studied English and German at the University of Vienna and found a relationship with Canada early on, but was always right for his interest in the Austrian language.

This year his book “Austrian German or German in Austria” was published (New Academic Press, 200 pages, 17 euros), in which he strongly advocated the confidence of the Austrian standard German. In doing so, he criticizes a “New German Wave” which West German collaborators are broadcasting in domestic German studies and linguistics. Dollinger says, “I believe a study done on Austrian German by a scientist with a North German accent will yield different results when someone with an Austrian accent asks a question.”

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