How Donald Trump ensured that the Hamburg Bank melee lost its telephone connection

How Donald Trump ensured that the Hamburg Bank melee lost its telephone connection

Actually, it’s just about a telephone connection and a customer, German Telecom Rather it will get rid of it. in Hamburg Resident bank Melli does not want to accept the termination notice it has been sent. He has always paid his bills on time and is all about theory.

Bank melee is not just any financial institution, but one Germany-The largest commercial bank is Iran. Meanwhile, she sued through every instance, up to the European Court of Justice, and the outcome of the hearing this Tuesday Luxembourg Those questions must be answered that are beyond disagreement between the two business partners.

The judges in Luxembourg should clarify whether the bank needs to continue using telecom. But there is still much debate: for example, whether the federal government is ready to protect and enforce its economic interests against third powers, in this case against them America. “Our goal is to establish at the highest level that European law also applies to the US president within the European Union,” says Hamburg lawyer Philip Plath, who specializes in European sanctions law and advises bank melee.

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