How Donald Trump Planned the March to the US Capitol

How Donald Trump Planned the March to the US Capitol

Witness Stephen Ayres, who stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021, in front of the Investigative Committee at the Canon Building in Washington on Tuesday
Image: AFP

In the weeks before the attack on the Capitol, Donald Trump sowed the seeds of chaos at the White House and fueled anger among his supporters. The Screening Committee now presents a chronology of the planned increase.

aAsked if he still believes Trump’s voter fraud story, Stephen Ayers replied, “Not so much now.” He has deleted all his social media accounts and has started “researching” himself. Not long ago, Ayres said that he blindly followed the then president when he followed his supporters to protest an allegedly stolen election Washington Screamed. Ayres was among the crowd that stormed the Capitol in Washington on January 6, 2021. He was arrested a few weeks later, convicted of a misdemeanor and is due to be sentenced in September. A year and a half later, Ayres is the first rioter from behind to testify at one of the Commission of Inquiry’s public hearings in the storming of the Capitol.

Sophia Dreisbach

North American political correspondent based in Washington.

This day is also about how Donald Trump After losing the presidential election, he instigated his followers and drove them to the US capital. A chronology of escalation over 24 days from December 14, 2020 to January 6, 2021, the day the Electoral College confirmed Joe Biden as president, erupted in the politics of the historic US invasion by armed Trump supporters.

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