How fat cells fuel breast cancer tumor growth

How fat cells fuel breast cancer tumor growth

What role do adipocytes play in breast cancer?

so called adipocytes (fat cells) that grow near breast cancer are able to transform into other types of cells, which in turn do increased tumor growth, This discovery could lead to completely new and effective options in the fight against breast cancer in the future.

In a new study involving experts University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW) investigated the link between obesity and cancer at the mechanistic level, specifically between Adipocytes and breast cancer tumors, The results were published in the journal “cell report“Published.

Obesity increases the risk of cancer

It has already been shown that obesity a risk factor for the development of cancer Form. is in addition obesity one with breast cancer worse forecast Connected, reports to the team.

The results of previous research have shown that fat cellsThose in close contact with breast tumor cells have the potential to grow breaking down lipidsWhich provides tumor cells with the fuel they need, study authors explain Professor Dr. Philip Scherer,

How do adipocytes affect breast cancer?

However, it is not yet clear what role these fat cells play in the development of breast cancer, Dr. To determine this role, new research work adipocytes In laboratory rats a. with fluorescent color The label allows the team to monitor these cells over a longer period of time.

fat cells transformed

Experts implanted mammary tumors in animals or genetically manipulated the mammary cells of mice in such a way that they turned into tumor cells. It can be seen that near fat cells shrink And took another formThat was the case with natural fat cells.

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The researchers then conducted genetic tests to determine which genes were active in these fat cells. These tests showed that the cells were initially a back to the first stage of development and then slowly Developed genetic markers of other cell typesFor example connective tissue cells, muscle cells and immune cells.

Altered fat cells fueled tumor growth

The team further found that the altered fat cells promote breast cancer tumor growth, This property largely depends on the ability of the fat cells to to provide energy to tumor cells,

In addition, the properties of the cell type that fat cells change after losing their lipids and fat cell identity also play an important role, the researchers explain. This is due to the fact that they are necessary for a local fibrosis Contribution that affects breast tissue.

,We have identified new cell types in the mammary gland that are derived from adipocytes and provide fertile ground for breast cancer tumor invasion and development.“, To analyse Professor Dr Katawala one in Press release,

Tumor growth can be stopped

Through an initiative by professionals improve lipid storage capacity Of mature fat cells, they stop turning into other types of cells. this led Tumor growth no longer promoted became.

However, the exact mechanism by which fat cells convert to other types of cells remains unclear. Professor Dr. Scherer explains that perhaps a chemical signals from tumor cells responsible for this incident.

The research group plans to identify exactly this signal in the future. In addition, other possibilities should be explored through which this Signal manipulation can be made, so that it is possible that prevent the development of breast cancer, (as)

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Author and source information

This text matches the requirements of medical specialist literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been checked by medical professionals.


  • Qingzhang Zhu, Yi Zhu, Chelsea Hepler, Qianbin Zhang, Jeong Park et al.: Adipocyte mesenchymal transition contributes to breast tumor progression; In: SAIL Report (published 09/13/2022), cell report
  • University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center: Shape-changing fat cells promote breast cancer growth (published 09/21/2022), University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

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This article contains general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. He cannot take the place of visiting the doctor.

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