How healthy is Biden really? Kamala Harris violated the right

How healthy is Biden really?  Kamala Harris violated the right
  • Melanie Götchlk

    FromMelanie Götchlk

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There is much speculation about Joe Biden’s health. Kamala Harris would have taken over if Biden no longer became the US President.

  • Steve bannon, To former consultant Former US President Donald TrumpExpresses concern about the health of US President Joe Biden.
  • At the same time he complains about the objectionable role Vice President Kamala Harris.
  • But Bannon is not the only one who fears that A. 46th President of USA Cannot finish his post.

Washington DC – Rights America Clearly terror in front of one Coming to power soon From Vice President Kamala Harris. Because according to their statement US President Joe Biden Many people know and soon he cannot exercise in his office. Should this happen, Harris will take over the government’s business.

Kamala Harris is the American Vice President.

© Rod Lamkey / imago images

In his Podcast “War Room” said Steve bannon, To former consultant Former US President Donald Trump, It was time to get ready to hand over Joe Biden One Kamala Harris. “His eyes are dead now,” said Biden, of Biden, Harris also played a much larger role than previous vice-presidents: inside. Harris has been involved in many meetings. “It was never a pity. This is not the role of a vice president, ”Bannon said.

Kamala Harris Spotlight: Rights claim they know how Joe Biden is doing

Bannon is not the only person who does not completely like these events. In an interview on Fox News Former Secret Service employee and Trump supporter Dan Bongino left Announced that he had spoken with former colleagues who worked together US President Joe Biden work together. She is in “really significant trouble” and her health is much worse than reported. Everyone in Bideno’s environment knows that “it’s a scam that they don’t tell us how bad things really are for him,” Bongo said.

Bongino commented on the health of US President Joe Biden According to a letter written by California Democratic MP Jimmy Panetta. In it, he asks that the use of the nuclear code be shared with some members of the Biden government. “Transferring rights to only one person creates real problems,” the letter said.

Nuclear codes are to be distributed to many members of the government

However, the request is based on another problem, one of which is US President Joe Biden’s health status Do not do anything. “Former presidents were forced to attack or attack other countries with nuclear weapons. Other officials had to trust the president’s decision, ”the letter said. “While each president will already discuss such a move with others, there is no order.” The military is obliged to carry out the order of the US President – and it can be done in a few minutes.

However, in the letter, the Democratic lawmaker also points to the history of relations Donald Trump And Kim Jong-un, especially in response to a tweet from the former president in which he boasted about having a larger nuclear arsenal than North Korea. He would also advocate distributing the nuclear code so that the decision would no longer be on the President’s shoulders. for example Kamala Harris. (Melanie Götchlk)

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