Support for the VW Boss on the supervisory board is waning.
(Photo: AFP/Getty Images)
Wolfsburg, Düsseldorf Suddenly the supervisory board also wants Martin Winterkorn back. Prime Minister of Lower Saxony and . says it was at least “fair” Volkswagen– Supervisor Stephen Weil about the man under whom the company is in existential jeopardy over the Diesel affair. But Herbert Dias, the current VW boss? Because first take a deep breath.
You should be “glad” that no one outside the region knows what the collaboration between Diess and its major shareholder, the state of Lower Saxony, looks like. When the Dias contract was extended in July, there were discussions to settle things jointly and by mutual consent in the future. Puff Cake. Since the signing, there has been no contact between Dias and the country. “It’s not constructive,” Weil says. “This is not a good sign.”
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