How to unlock your smartphone even faster

How to unlock your smartphone even faster

There are situations when unlocking your smartphone can be annoying. With these hidden functions, the smartphone starts without entering a code or delaying a face scan.

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Most smartphones can now be unlocked using facial recognition or fingerprints. But it does not always work reliably. With Smart Lock, Android provides a practical function with which you no longer need both.

This well hidden feature is easy to install once you use it and can save you many steps in many situations. To do this, Smart Lock uses various sensors to scan the environment. This means that the smartphone remains unlocked or locked if, for example, another person is using a mobile phone.

However, this feature can no longer be found on all devices. Some manufacturers have now developed their own solutions that work similarly.

How does smart lock work?

To activate Smart Lock on Android smartphones, do the following:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. In the Device Security submenu, select the Secure Lockout Settings option.
  3. Here you can find the smart-lock-feature. To authorize the function on your device, enter your PIN or your security pattern.
  4. Now you should be in the menu for the smart lock function.

Different stages may vary depending on the smartphone manufacturer and Android version. Alternatively, you can also find convenience using the search function.

Smart Lock provides these options

In the Smart Lock menu you have a choice of different options with which the device can be unlocked.

  • Trusted Equipment: With this option you can select “trusted” devices that you often associate with your smartphone, for example. This can be a Bluetooth headphone or Bluetooth system in your car. If the smartphone is close to one of these devices, it will unlock automatically.
  • Trusted Location: This option allows you to use Google Maps to set locations where the device will remain unlocked automatically. However, GPS must be activated for this.
  • Wear Validation: With this option, Smart Lock identifies certain movement patterns based on whether you are carrying a mobile phone with you and then remains unlocked. However, this option cannot differentiate between you and others.
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Those who value convenience while unlocking will find a practical solution in Smart Lock. However, you should know that Google collects additional data about you through various options.

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