However, high numbers of infections: Chile overtakes Israel in terms of speed of vaccination

However, high numbers of infections: Chile overtakes Israel in terms of speed of vaccination

Nevertheless, the high number of infections
Chile overtakes Israel in speed of vaccination

Israel is considered the leader of the vaccine worldwide – more than half of the population has already received their first dose of vaccine. Now Chile is catching up and has vaccinated the most people per 100 inhabitants within the last seven days. The South American country still has a long way to go.

Chile is the country with the highest number of vaccinations against coronovirus per 100 inhabitants in the world in the last seven days, surpassing Israel. “Today we have a new reason to be proud: Chile ranked first in the global ranking of doses administered (within the last seven days) per 100 inhabitants,” the South American country’s government wrote after the data on Twitter. The statistics portal “Our World in Data” was known. Accordingly, Chile has vaccinated Israel 1.03 doses per day per 100 inhabitants on average in the last seven days.

In total, a country with a population of 18 million has given at least one vaccine dose to 4,176,094 million people since the start of its vaccination campaign in December. It corresponds to more than 21 percent of the population. The newspaper “La Tercera” reported that on Monday, Chile recorded a daily record with 319,014 people. Chile, along with Mexico and Costa Rica, was one of the first countries in Latin America to begin vaccinating populations and negotiate early to acquire vaccines. Thus it was possible to guarantee 35 million cans, of which 10 million have already arrived. Most of them come from the Chinese company Synovac.

Despite a relatively successful vaccination campaign, the country has a high number of infections – more than 5,000 new people have been infected every day recently – and that too for several days. According to the latest data from the Ministry of Health, a total of 864,064 people in Chile have been proven to be infected with coronovirus, killing 21,182 in relation to Kovid-19.

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