Huawei P50 with HarmonyOS finally has a date

Huawei P50 with HarmonyOS finally has a date

We usually see Huawei’s P flagships much earlier, and it often arrives at the beginning of spring to compete against Samsung’s flagships. But this year everything is different, as Huawei is making a fresh start.

Huawei P50 Series with HarmonyOS

Instead of Android, HarmonyOS will be used for the first time in a new smartphone and hence the P series has been delayed. But now there’s a date: on July 29, Huawei will introduce the new flagship series with HarmonyOS.


is huawei p50 pro coming, Which Huawei has already shown officially, even for Germany? We don’t know at the moment, as Europe is no longer Huawei’s focus and then there is the “chip problem”.

Huawei P50 Render1

Huawei P50 Render Online

Huawei not only has to deal with chip shortages like everyone else, they now have virtually no Kirin chips and will now have to fall back on Qualcomm. Here, however, they are only allowed to use 4G chips, as 5G chips have been banned.

So the question arises whether Huawei, which has always advertised extensively with 5G, will introduce a 4G flagship in Europe. At a time when entry-level models already have 5G. We will definitely find out soon.

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