Hubble Space Telescope computer malfunctions due to malfunction

Hubble Space Telescope computer malfunctions due to malfunction

The Hubble Space Telescope has problems. A computer shut down some systems. NASA engineers are trying to restart it – so far unsuccessfully.

The Hubble Space Telescope has been out of service for several days. There is a problem with the computers controlling the telescope’s scientific instruments, the US space agency NASA announced on Friday. He shut himself down last Sunday, an attempt to restart on Monday failed.

NASA said the telescope, which has been in space since 1990, and its instruments are “working well”. The devices have been put into “Safe Mode” until the problem is resolved.

The Hubble telescope was jointly developed by NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA). Since its launch in April 1990, Hubble has revolutionized astronomy with breathtaking images from space. His recordings of planets in our solar system, but also distant galaxies, supernova explosions and planetary nebulae, have given laymen a completely unexpected view of the universe.

However, the history of the space telescope did not always go smoothly. Shortly after launch, it became apparent that its main mirror was not grounded correctly. The result was blurry images. This bug was corrected by a space shuttle mission in 1993.

The telescope should really continue to operate until the end of the year. Then the new James Webb Space Telescope will replace Hubble.

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