Human History Perspectives: Barack Obama Sees the World at a “Turning Point”

Human History Perspectives: Barack Obama Sees the World at a "Turning Point"

Human History Approach
Barack Obama sees the world at a ‘turning point’

Almost five years after his last term as US President, Barack Obama never stops expressing his views about the development of the world. Often it is about the status quo of politics. Now he explains in a performance where he sees the world in the context of human history.

Former US President Barack Obama sees the United States and the world at a “turning point”. On the one hand, there is a clause with a “policy of meanness and division and conflict,” Democrats in Richmond said during a campaign appearance ahead of the gubernatorial election in the US state of Virginia. “But the good news is there is another way we can pull together and solve bigger problems.” It is a decision “which I believe will determine not only the next few years, but also the next decades of human history”.

Obama said it was up to him to decide what kind of democracy the next generation would inherit. He warned against the “return of anarchy” that has caused so much damage. The former president is likely to point to the term of his successor, Donald Trump, who ruled the White House from 2017 to January this year. In Virginia, Obama’s fellow party member Terry McAuliffe and Trump-backed Republican Glenn Youngkin are running for governor. The election is on November 2. It is considered to be an early mood test for the Congress elections to be held across the country in a year.

Obama praises Merkel as moral compass

Who Barack Obama regards as a positive force in world affairs, he recently outlined in a video message that showed the departure of Chancellor Angela Merkel, in what will likely be his last EU summit. In it he paid tribute to Merkel for her “tireless” moral compass and many years of good collaboration. “Many people, girls and boys, men and women, have had a role model to look up to in difficult times,” Obama said in a video broadcast on Twitter. She also emphasized that the character shows that she would probably prefer to work at an EU summit rather than be the center of attention on it.

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