Hunting with results: rabbit plague in Dessau-Roalau region – three people fell ill

Hunting with results: rabbit plague in Dessau-Roalau region - three people fell ill

Dessau-Rollau –

The “rabbit plague”, which is dangerous to animals and humans, continues to spread in Saxony-Enamel. Although until now only one case was known from Salacares, district hunter Michael Mitsing reports about further infection of people in the Des-Rolau region.

In December, three participants in the Coonoor head hunt, including hunters and dog handlers, fell ill. One had to wait a long time until the symptoms could be diagnosed and the help of the Tropical Institute was sought for this.

People become infected mainly through intensive contact with sick animals or their emissions

Appeals to take risk seriously. “We are more concerned about rabbit plague than about African boar fever, because rabbit plague is also dangerous for humans,” he says.

The State Office for Consumer Protection of Saxony-Anault writes about “tularemia”, as the disease is also called: “People become especially infected when they come into intense contact with sick animals or their excreta Are or when handling cadres and especially when handling skin and intestines ”game. “Hunters are particularly affected, but so are cooks, butchers and veterinarians.” Flu-like symptoms such as fever, malaise, headaches and body aches, but also skin lesions, swelling of the eye area, and lung problems. Are specific. If the infection is not treated, it can be fatal. “(Mz)

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