“I really want to compare myself to Bravo”

Alexander Langer, Business Punk

On Thanks for the success, A podcast about success, careers and new work, inspiring personalities and speaking to Smartstairs CEO Björn Wade about his career and his peers. Guest in current episode: Editor-in-Chief Alexander Langer Business punk.

How did they become producers? Who are they What encounters have shaped you to put an idea into practice? And: Who did you always want to say “thank you” to? This is exactly what Björn Wade talks about in his podcast.

Alexander Langer as a guest on the podcast

Alexander Langer Living proof of this To make a career in a roundabout way. He once played double bass in a jazz band that actually played without an instrument.

Today he is the Editor in Chief Business punk And in the latest episode of the #SuccessDensity podcast she describes how an unusual career can develop through unmistakable optimism.

How can you be a stand-up man?

Pedal boat rentals, one-day midwives, golf course guards – these are all things Alexander Langer has already done in his career. He failed because of them all, and yet they took him where he is today: he is the editor-in-chief of the business magazine Business punk.

In his book “Snow Shovel in Canada”, Alexander Langer described how he found 15 jobs worldwide. He grew up in Montreal and graduated from high school in Germany. He went to Leipzig University to study artistic writing.

Alexander Langer, Business Punk

Alexander Langer, Editor-in-Chief of Business Punk.

“I really like comparing myself Praise “For the economy only”, says Alexander Langer with a look at business punk magazine, “She has always managed to appeal to her readers – it’s strong! “

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But it’s not the only thing that makes it Praise As a role model for Business punk Inspire. Only recently “STARchnitte” was planned for the new version – the format with which Praise He grew up himself.

Only successful founders replace stars and stars. “if you look Business punk At the kiosk, it should then attract attention to the crowd – we are loud and fashionable, ”says the editor-in-chief.

Langer says that it is as much emphasis on social networks. It matters what clicks. But he is sure that the time of clickbaiting will not last long. “The desire to be picked up is greater than ever,” Berliner said.

Recently Alexander Langer notices him when he was Germany suggests buying Tik Tok: “We always talk about the fact that we want big innovations here. This was certainly not a serious suggestion, but it is how social media works – be loud at first and will be explained in the rest of the comment column. “

Unwavering optimism

If you look at your individual formats Business punk Rumors flew through, then used terms such as “productivity” or “sustainability”. Funnily enough, the only German word in this category’s list is “career”.

“When you think of the WHU campus [eine der Top-Hochschulen für Start-up-Gründer und Gründerinnen, Anmerkung der Redaktion] Run, then people talk an unbelievable English – you have to adapt to the language of our readers ”, says Alexander Langer.

But a strict career is nothing pure German, he says. His curriculum vitae suggests that it works with a number of spies: as the owner of a German bar in Seoul or as an animator, he has already worked – and failed every time.

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At some point, however, there was a decisive change in direction and he was ready for a new “opening”, which initially placed him on the editorial team of Gruner + Poison magazine.11 friends“. He then became editor-in-chief Business punk Mature – his very personal success story.

How to shape tomorrow’s economy

But what exactly is success? Alexander Langer says, “To me, being successful means you’re making the best of yourself.” He learned from his book that he never wants to be on his own.

Today she is very grateful to the team that surrounds her and she can count on her unconditionally. He has retained unstable optimism in his job: “Because it is necessary to shape tomorrow’s economy.”

You can find out why Alexander Langer still has a hard time feeling at home, why he played double bass in a jazz band without mastering the instrument, and why the current episode of the social media # SuccessgeDANKE podcast has an infant Apple Podcast, Deezer, Google Podcast or Spotify.

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