Ottawa (AP) – Ice hockey national player Leon Drysettle scored three goals against the Ottawa Senators in the Edmonton Oilers 4-2 and received a big recognition, especially for his second goal.
“It’s a shot that only a few people in the world can get and are one of them,” said NHL top scorer and teammate Connor McDavid. Clearly behind the line in net. “I’ve put myself in a position whereby I can surprise the goalkeeper and fire the shot quickly to get a chance,” said Drysettle.
At broadcasting station NBCSN, commentators can hardly believe the shot and goal on Wednesday, even after several repetitions. “Most would not even have tried that shot,” coach Dave Tippy said.
Drisital scored a total of four points in the eighth win of the season with Tim Stutzley and an interim 3–2 win over McDavid. The hat trick was the fifth of his NHL career and the second game of this season against the Senators, against whom he now scored 21 points, which is more against any opponent in a season than any other NHL professional – and the ninth duel Still pending on Thursday.
In the last five weeks with main round games, the Oilers, which also play Dominic Cahun, have been runners-up in the Canada division. “I think we can take some steps. I think we’re on the right track, but we can just play better as a team,” said Drysettle. “It’s going to be a fun finale, a good end to the regular season and then possibly a good playoff.”
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