Ice hockey – Mannheim – Adler Mannheim: coach obligation in July is enough

Ice hockey - Mannheim - Adler Mannheim: coach obligation in July is enough

Mannheim (DPA/LSW) – Adler Mannheim is still open to many options in the hunt for a successor to Pavel Gross. “All leagues have coaches that are on our list: Sweden, Finland, KHL, Austria, USA and Canada,” manager Jan-Axel Alvara told “Mannheimer Morgan” (Tuesday). In the coming weeks, clubs from the German Ice Hockey League will deal more closely with the candidates. “We have already pushed our squad plan a lot. If the new coach doesn’t come by July, that will be enough,” Alavara said.

Bill Stewart was temporarily taken over by the Eagles, after being pulled out of gross three games before the end of the main round. Mannheimer was knocked out in the semi-finals of the playoffs against the Berlin Polar Bears.

Alvara is also considering a possible signing of national player Mark Michaelis. However, he described the chances of the striker as being brought back from AHL team the Toronto Marlies as slim. The club will hold talks with Michaelis after the World Cup from 13 to 29 May. “But I think he wants to stay in North America for a year or two to be able to fulfill his NHL dream again after two years with some injuries,” Alvara said of the 26-year-old.

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