Ice Hockey – The ice hockey team lost to Slovakia in preparation for the World Cup

Ice Hockey - The ice hockey team lost to Slovakia in preparation for the World Cup

Dresden (DPA) – In complex preparation for the World Cup, the inexperienced German national ice hockey team lost out on a sense of accomplishment against Slovakia. National coach Tony Soderholm’s core team lost 2:3 (1:1, 1:1, 0:1) in Dresden against the selection of an Olympic bronze medalist.

The Germans got off to a better start than the day before, when the first third, with three goals, was decisive for a 1:3 loss against the Slovaks. In front of 2,300 spectators, the hosts were twice ahead thanks to goals from Nuremberg’s Tim Fleischer (15th minute) and Iserlohn’s Taro Jentzsch (33rd minute).

In the final third, the German selection increased and at times put the guests under pressure, but had to concede Oliver Oculier’s 2:3 in the 57th minute. As in previous Tests, the most prominent player in the team, former NHL striker Dominic Kahun, took a break this time as well.

The team will meet in Schwenningen for the final training camp on Thursday. There will be a dress rehearsal for the World Cup against Austria on 8 May in Finland from 13 to 29 May. After the playoffs in the DEL, players from Adler Mannheim may also be in Schwenningen for the first time.

There is likely to be a big change in the team. Which Mannheimers are available for the World Cup is as open as the number of DEL finalists Berlin and Munich’s World Cup participants. Meanwhile, NHL goalkeeper Philipp Grubauer has already announced his arrival in Schwenningen.

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A World Cup visit by NHL pros Tim Stutzl and Moritz Seder is also expected. The World Cup in Soderholm’s home country will begin on 13 May for the German team with a group game against record world champions Canada.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:220430-99-109978/2

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