Ice Hockey: U20 World Cup from 26 December – 5.01.22 in MagentaSport / All German in Canada …

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Once again this year MagentaSport will be showcasing the U20 Junior Ice Hockey World Championship live exclusively from Canada. All German games and all subsequent games after the quarter-finals will be televised. Germany plays in Group A for the quarter-finals against Canada, Finland, the Czech Republic and Austria. For this you need at least fourth place. The junior team coached by Toby Abstratter failed to make the semi-final against Russia in the last U20 World Cup with a 1:2 finish, but achieved the best result ever with a 6th place finish. MagentaSport will be showcasing the German World Cup opener against Finland live from 7.45pm on Christmas Day. Games with a MagentaSport subscription can be viewed on all MagentaSport platforms. Magenta TV customers can access games on the Magenta TV platform for free at no extra cost.

U20 World Cup with top talent as another attraction for ice hockey fans

Germany are once again eyeing the quarter-finals. The classic against Austria from 8.15 pm on New Year’s Eve will decide whether the German offspring will finish at least fourth in the preliminary round. The last of the two World Cup groups with a total of ten nations should be relegated. MagentaSport shows these games only with German participation. National coach Toby Abstratter, however, can reach a strong offspring, who has already proven himself at Penny Dale. In addition, top performers Tim Stutzl (Ottawa/NHL), Lucas Reichl (Rockford/AHL) and JJ Peterka (Rochester American/AHL) are still eligible to play.

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In Group B, defending champions USA will face Russia, Sweden, Switzerland and Slovakia. The quarterfinals will start on January 2, 2022, with the finals shown live on January 5, 2022. The World Cup venues are Edmonton and Red Deer. Christoph Stadler and Christoph Fetzer comment on World Cup games, with Patrick Ehlechner analyzing German appearances as an expert.

Huge schedule for Christmas until January 9th with over 60 live events – Top: Winter Games Cologne vs Mannheim on January 1st

The time from Christmas to January 9 will be an ice hockey festival for all the fans. In addition to the broadcast of the U20 World Cup, MagentaSport will run all PENNY DEL games individually and in conference as usual. The PENNY DEL schedule offers seven game days over two weeks with over 40 live games. The highlight is Kölner Hai’s winter game against Adler Mannheim on January 1, 2022 from the Rhine Energy Stadium at 7.15 pm.

MagentaSport can be viewed on Magenta TV, MagentaSport Apps or On the Magenta TV platform, free broadcasts can also be received on MyTeamTV Sport’s free channel (channel 319) with standard occupancy.

U20 World Cup preliminary round groups at a glance:

Group A: Germany, Finland, Canada, Czech Republic, Austria

Group B: Russia, Sweden, USA, Slovakia, Switzerland

U20 World Cup at a Glance on MagentaSport and Magenta TV:

26.12. 8 p.m. (CET) Finland-Germany

27.12. 01.00 am (CET) Germany-Czech Republic

12/29 01:00 am (CET) Canada-Germany

31.12. 8.30 pm (CET) Germany-Austria

02.01. 6 p.m. (CET) Possibly Deporting Germany

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02.01. Quarterfinals from 8.30 pm (CET)

03.01. 6 p.m. (CET) Possibly Deporting Germany

04.01. 9 PM (CET) Semi-Finals

05.01. 6 p.m. (CET) Possibly Deporting Germany

05.01. 10:00 PM (CET) Game for third place

05.01. 02.00 AM (CET) Final

Press Contact:

Jörg Krause
Mail: [email protected]
Car: 0170 22 680 24

Original Content By: MagentaSport, News Transmitted by Actuel

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