Ice Hockey World Championship: Germany – Canada 3:5 – DEB Team Beat Each Other Killer – Sports Mix

Ice Hockey World Championship: Germany - Canada 3:5 - DEB Team Beat Each Other Killer - Sports Mix

False start of the World Cup for Germany!

DEB Selection lost its first game at the Ice Hockey World Championships in Finland against record world champions Canada 3:5 (0:2, 1:3, 2:0).

in focus: Jessica Campbell (29). The Canadian was the first assistant coach on the ice for the German men’s team – and against his home country of all places.

Before the game, assistant to national coach Tony Soderholm (44) encouraged the DEB team and patted almost every player on the back. But it didn’t help!

Germany beat each other bloody

Defending champion Canada – with only NHL pros on the ice – is at least a size too big. Silinger (9th) and Dubois (18th) gave the favorites a 2-0 lead.

Michaelis (28′) took it 1-2, Dubois (32′) and Johnson (34′) both took it 4-1 before Gregor (38′) scored Canada’s fifth goal.

Bloody scene in the second third: Tim Stutzl gets a high stick in the face from teammate Mathias Plakta in a duel over the gang. Stutzl is bleeding and has to concentrate on the bench, but can continue to play after a short period of time.

Tim Stutzl receives medical care on bench after handkerchief stops bleeding

Tim Stutzl receives medical care on bench after handkerchief stops bleedingPhoto: Sport1

In the final third, Germany, who have to do without NHL star Leon Dreistel (26), throws everything forward again and jumps to 3:5 with goals from Plachta (42nd) and Cedar (53rd). But despite the “empty net” (Dt: empty goal; editor’s note) the really big race to catch up in the last minutes of the game no longer wants to be successful.

Despite the loss, Tony Soderholm was not dissatisfied with his team: “The result is fine – the character and mood in the team is right. Despite the loss there was a lot of positivity in our game.

DEB selection continues on Saturday (7.20pm / Sport1) in their second group game against Slovakia.

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