Ice Hockey World Cup: Germany beat Latvia and assist Canada in the quarter-finals

Ice Hockey World Cup: Germany beat Latvia and assist Canada in the quarter-finals

These 19 talents to keep in mind at the Ice Hockey World Championship


These 19 talents to keep in mind at the Ice Hockey World Championship

Source: Keystone/Marcel Bieri

Are you a real ice hockey fan? In this way you make that stadium feel at home.

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Philipp Fürer scored the strangest goal of his own in Swiss hockey history

May 14, 2008: Own goals are so rare in ice hockey that they are sometimes talked about for years. Especially when someone hits his own goal in the World Cup. Like Philipp Furr in the 2008 World Cup quarterfinal against Russia.

This is the strangest goal ever scored by a Swiss player in a World Cup. World Cup quarter-final 2008 in Quebec: Switzerland plays against Russia. After six minutes 23 seconds the score is already 0:2. Philipp Furr scored 0:1 with his own goal and then the then SCB defender attacked again.

With a slap from an acute angle, he beat his own goalkeeper Martin Gerber and Russia lead 3–0. The statistics list Denis Sarippov as the goalscorer. He is…

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