Idea: More space for youth

Idea: More space for youth

Vertingen youth activist Tobias Kolb suggests to the Zusmaltheim municipal council. Its aim is to expand local youth work. what are the options

“It should definitely be a thing for everyone that youth acts.” Vertingen City youth activist Tobias Kolb, in his lecture at Jusamaltheim City Council, appealed to keep an eye on the younger generation. Because if the youth see no reason to stay, then the church doesn’t even have heirs.

Places with good youth work are also more attractive to later family start-ups, as later parents also naturally want good offers for their children. In addition, when developing good youth work, it is important to take the wants and needs of youth seriously. Although at present jusamaltheme Many clubs in which a large proportion of youth feel they are in good hands, but this does not apply to everyone. “Many young people want something other than clubs,” Kolb says. This also applies to many people who are active in clubs but also want a bigger offer. The central point will be the rooms – not just interiors such as a community youth room or a construction trailer. Kolb also brings up themes such as public barbecue areas or skate and dirt parks. For such projects to be able to be realized, it is very important that there is a good exchange between the community and its youth, for example a youth citizens’ meeting or a youth forum that already exists in Vertingen. .

Ultimately, project funding is also an issue. Here, however, the head of the Vertingen Youth Club makes the all clear. Funding can be sought for many projects, for example through companies such as LEW, but also through institutions such as Dillingen District Youth Association or Donautl-Active. The first, of course, is to find out what the local youth really want. From his own experience, Tobias Kolb knows that if the question is answered directly, there are not impossible projects, but viable projects on a volleyball court or similar. Ultimately, the positive attitude of the city council is necessary for the youth workers of the city. In a negative example that he had heard of, a project plan would have already been completed, but was then rejected by the local council.

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It is now too late to join Dillinger Kreisjugendering’s ZAM project, which is supposed to promote youth work in all participating municipalities, but a union of young citizens, for example, felt can go. Council members were very open to Kolb’s ideas and suggestions.

As a start they see the already existing youth room in the parish hall, which visitors can design themselves. However, Mayor Stephen Lutz reminded that last time it didn’t go very well, as the room was neglected and abused.

So the youth activist suggested that, for example, a supervisor from the community be appointed to oversee the room. Responsibility should also lie with one of the youth, for example the one who has the key.

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