If you get a sudden sting on the face

If you get a sudden sting on the face

Ingolstad Clinic

If you get a sudden sting on the face

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If you get a sudden sting on the face

Digital event of Klinikum Ingolstadt on 21 September

There can be many reasons for the electric pain in the face. A comparatively common and particularly painful condition is the so-called trigeminal neuralgia. The fifth cranial nerve, which supplies the forehead area, upper jaw and lower jaw, is irritated. The result is a lightning-sharp shooting pain in the cheek area, usually only on one side of the face.

The Director of Neurosurgery Clinic in the hospital, Prof. “At Ingolstadt, about five to eight patients each year develop trigeminal neuralgia,” says Siamak Asghari. “The number of non-reported cases is probably higher.”

For those affected, brushing teeth, chewing and even speaking becomes torture – everyday life is greatly restricted by the sudden onset of severe pain. Such attacks of pain can occur several times a day, with the interval between individual attacks becoming shorter over time. Little is still known about the causes of the disease, with symptoms usually appearing by the age of 40, women being affected more often than men.

The quality of life of those affected is severely limited. “It is even more important that there is an effective treatment regimen for these patients,” Prof. Asgari insists. Pain and Spasm Medicine is one of several medical centers of the Department of Neurosurgery. Apart from facial pain, diseases of the spine, multiple sclerosis and circulatory disorders are treated here.

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In his lecture “Electrical pain in the face – what helps with trigeminal neuralgia?” From 5:30 pm on 21st September, Prof. Asgari explains clearly what treatment options are available and how, thanks to the so-called “Genetta” operation, an operation on the brainstem under the operating microscope supported by endoscopy, may help affected patients in the long term.

This event is free and takes place through Microsoft Teams. Registration is possible through the website of Klinikum Ingolstadt: https://klinikum-ingolstadt.de/kurse/trigeminal neurogie-gesundheit-im-fokus/

After successful registration, all participants will receive a participation link a few days before the event. It is not necessary to install the program for this.

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