Immerse yourself digitally in the mysteries of the city’s pool

Immerse yourself digitally in the mysteries of the city's pool
Image: Screenshot of the virtual tour –

Hall. Zukunfstadtabad. Here’s a multimedia tour through the hall’s residents’ favorite pool.

Not only do Halle residents visit the largest preserved historic city baths between Hamburg and Mannheim during the Friends Association’s popular guided tours. It is a magnet for tourists and for those who want to revisit their old home. The pandemic, but the upcoming renovation of the entire city’s bathhouse from 2022, was the impetus for the Union of Friends to develop an additional digital proposal.

multimedia 360° Tour Something very special because it is more than just a silent tour of a few rooms in the bathroom. The Friends Association team, which usually accompanies visitors via Staatbad, has prepared and spoken the texts themselves with great commitment and pleasure. “We can make the passion for the bathroom so much more authentic to an audience than a professional speaker who is not so closely associated with the bathroom.” The President of the Friends Association, Kathleen Hirschnitz, adds: “We’ve been working on this since spring with Alexander Schieberle (Creoli) and Kai Schmidt (Esmero) and in the meantime the project continues to develop – new ideas are always added. Gaya. We are very proud to have acquired professional partners with both of them for Stadtbad. We would like to thank Bader Halle GmbH for permission to film and city archive for historical images.

The Tour is available in two variants: With the automatic version, you can lean back and let yourself move from room to room and the secrets of the city’s pool. In the manual version, viewers can go on a journey of self-discovery. In addition, several other information areas and picture galleries are integrated that reveal even more details. By integrating floor plans, you can check exactly where you are in an angled property.

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The digital tour is free. Viewers are welcome to use the donate button to thank me for the insight.

Tour Link:

Trailer Link:

The dates of the on-site guided tours are published on the website of the sponsoring association and can also be requested from Stadtbad.

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