News from 17 January 2021
Local and future proof health care is of particular importance in rural areas. In an on-site meeting, CDU-VG mayoral candidate Stephen Lukel received information from local Mayor Birgitta Kackerman about the status of the new hospital building planned by the local community of Munschenbach.
Hachenberg. An important condition for the implementation of the project is that the DRK carrier company may occupy the property. Stefan Leukel, who is also a member of the DRK Board of Trustees in Hachenburg, praised the local mayor Birgitta Kakerman in the local talks led by the 30 mayors and the local council in the community talks with the 30 owners. Käckermann and Leukel thank the property owners and farmers for their willingness to make an important contribution to the implementation of the ambitious project with the transfer of ownership. He emphasized that the local authority is making every effort to implement the new building at the earliest.
With the creation of a new hospital, future-proof basic medical care can be implemented for the entire region. According to Stephen Lakill, this should include the obstetric and stroke unit unit (stroke department) as well as the pediatric department (pediatrics). Käckermann and Leukel believe that the construction of the new hospital also includes the advantages of local general practitioner and specialist care. A good addition between inpatient and outpatient care is beneficial for the patients involved (patients, doctors, nurses). (PM)
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