10 February 2022
If you go to the doctor, you will get a lot of things on prescription, and in Canada, until recently, you will also be asked to spend more time in nature. For this 1000 doctors can issue free passes which gives patients access to 80 national parks.
Behind this is the BC Parks Foundation’s PaRx initiative, which has set itself the task of maintaining and acquainting people with national parks.
That’s why cooperation with doctors is a win-win: patients can relax in the fresh air and have to actively find time to go outside. Because time in nature has a positive effect on mental and physical health. And the BC Park Foundation welcomes visitors.
Family therapist and PaRx initiative leader Melissa Lemm recommends spending two hours in nature for at least 20 minutes each week. Passports should primarily be prescribed for patients who cannot afford one for financial reasons. An annual pass costs only 50 euros.
One question remains: Does nature on prescription also justify that employees can go for a 20-minute walk during working hours? It will probably have to be integrated in the spare time as well. So have a good inspiration.