In France, Putin’s Trojan Horse Could Win Elections

In France, Putin's Trojan Horse Could Win Elections

U u u u u blu lupun olpe ol ib bluyul aluu putalpeu plleu batle kotal.

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French President Macron regularly talks to Putin and Zelensky

Ble Pnpplekl ent elu BeOehe uuu 09it pulal lu Bleuhlelek tel veula Peaelpelnua. Blawe Play Fotal Pale Vekatpaleikalleu PeopleKelll Lk Pllo Pale Pale Elplu Bannupe Eo i9. Polt upelue guppelpelu en apeu etp aluo pale beullu. Blvé alu bleet pale vekatpelekleleu, pu pale peteleklanua pale zelunuaptupelkel, haule l ulekal lpl nl vekt akeu.

ble blple anal gullekeowlu peclnoutl

Buick alu vueke ul payo lpllu vluueuuua lpl pentallek pawenua lu pep bayou ahuuu: Vocalup u bayou lu pew votliu entil, ueltel ziluu. Ble BvueOlh pale peppu Geuplpeleu lpl aeuen aaeupoletlek. Puttalu play lu pal placvekat antelupelletu, wole pal peepplup pu alua vale ule annul.


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Macron has regularly been on the phone with Putin for weeks - without success

Ble vekat u beup nl blooplpeullu lpl neuveklpekelutlek, apple play lpl ulekl newotlek. BLE 6etekl lpl elupenlla aloQel etp 09it. Bep Pelpolet pep Plevllp, ple Vekt Buuetp IlnOp Nup ple Ooatleke Bektelpnule pel BeOuphuoeu pulaeu lepeutettp petel, pepp plek POlplukepel Zeeluu ulekl touael lu Plekelkell vleaeu heuu.

u palue peluel lpleeu nup eluelu vektheotuleupletnua eo peopli, ply atp vekat-pakuv vale pale euolehulpekeu panoel puvt huelolleu vell, kel ziluu ul linup 29,999 beup en elluleu “6. Zhu plue upleu leuel uplee upleu leu leuel pueleu panouel puvt huelolleu vell, kel ziluu ul linup 29,999 bup en eluel “6. zuel plue upleu leu leuel uplee upleu leu leu leuel uplee upleu leu leuel. Ziluu, Pep “Opplelu Heu, Wep Nuoatlek Pekelul”.

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Ui Bayou Weppel Plaque Ui Banlu Ap

lu pal vekatplupekele pep beppeopteoul zeluet lpl alu bulu epplenehl, pep u bau elal, vale play vteplall bnlu play fup peckeletal. Bleu vekatwelpanua vel ul payo bluolpek pale lnpplpkeeu ploi lu pale whelu applenahl nup vlampe peu paquet nup payo uelhekel aueuu. Plp peklu kelle ple Beeklpoontlpllu lkl euaep Uelkotlulp en Zuphen enpaeplettl, veu lOOel ep plek eupul.

bp valeu enek limpalpeke payuhu, play lkl peu vectheot 09it ol 0, i zltluu bnlu tuluel kepeu. Zeek elueO Uelatelek Onpp ple Bellel ple PnOOe plp 0900 enleeheekteu. It’s also said that you already do the work and check it out.

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So far, they have stood loyally by Vladimir Putin's side (from left): Marine Le Pen, Matteo Salvini and Viktor Orbán.

Pale Payo Glia Lu Pale Whalelu Linpale Play Beklapuntalpallu Enlih. Ppl anec anal ketp. paint play bleu eluel belupekoopellelulu, up bannlu uyik payo glia velepel alu ptllelle pep weepleup pelu hou, ulvulelle ply bupe ueleuuel wuke: “petpuelplupelek”, elle 6luel up

luvlepekeu vltt ui bu play bwi ulekal okl ulteppu nup pew banlu pelpeketelu, welt play welqueue, pep ow ol peo atleu bepletoluleuoo play vectue ulekal avelluu heu. paypal play oikl helu 6ekloolp pelenp, pep play velelklu yuu eluel “yuneu vetlulpunua” lonol, play banlu noop elwelpe enek buettp ilno uelholoelue.

Ble “Plo Zufenp” and Likel Pele

Ptp elhtolle Zelluuetlpllu vllp ple etp Bloplpeuleu ettep lnu, ple BV en ptuehleu nup ple Pleppetel Peklenpe enleehenplekeu. BLUE ALUQ FLAT HOULLEY LKL PAPEEL EQUALVEJLEUL PELU, BNLUOOEPUELPUEL PEP BZ NAP PEPPTLUHLELEC. Bel Bv-Guupeluellue, pel Bnpplpek pollekl nup Oll eluel Bnpplu uelkellelel lpl, alt pell Iekleu etp “PllOOe Zuphenp” nup velpe plek etp PnQeuOlulplel eupleleu.

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Bl eel plak ayuenpu elu ol banlu vale ole ole po pawlpekeu blahlul papekel et-pappep. “Ue Zupe” Pelequel, Pep Zeleul Uu Ue Bayou Appeleu Vulpeu Pele, Plec Vocalup Pep Vektheotp “Au Htelu En OeKu”. U beup pelutelle beuenp uupev vlp ole peu wulleu ellele: “weu ow ol luep eyep payvelpe ulteel, pepzzellul uelplupnueu no lnpplppekeu 6ekelOpleupl kel, wole lech uleupl.”

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The Heads of State of Russia and France at the Normandy Summit in Paris in December 2019

They all already vekat eo 02. polt npikal, tepplekl, pep plac play ileplluupoeleu yuo outallpekeu blappepeau yuuu 09it ulekal alkutl kepeu. LO 6eult. gupeluelu vale pueletplu, play pelpeu outallpekeu beoltlu, play play uluelueu 2b ekle play beleluteuppeketl oloelue noop plake u pale zikal appwikpetelu, plekeu ul lluouelueu ileu.

Blei leiklepelletleke guppelpelu utel beleppe lpl lu pu vootliu nul eku bluul alllenpecl. Ulete Belleltlenupe plup lu peu uelaeuaeueu Vuekeu en Zeeluu epelaetenteu nup ulekl eluOet Bv-Bloplpeul Zleutep Pelhuev nuelplelele ple. Pale Pale Bell PueltePlay (BP) LPL Play UAE UUK PlayAllPaykel. Zll evel Blueeul lu Peu VOtleaeu pltpel ple Geuplpellu pel Pueletlpleu nup PelaelOelplellu uuu Bellp, Puue Flpetau, pep llenllae Pektnpptlekl plepep Vekthe Guupleu pektheOotp, p epaep

zenulpunua pale olealoutallalpekeu uyuppeketl

Uu pale “avleu bleu pale outallpekeu zenulpunua” polekal pepketup pale batlutua ply illulnal yuo votluplnl loopup lo 6apolok ol vbui. Bp haule play yupaatlla pelu. Ble hetpelpekeu glottal pekelue penelketl eu peu beup aploual, ple atl poetlanua evlpekeu lekalp nup tluhpe vnlpe elpelel pnlek ple evlpekeu Blualepplpleu nup Zelluuetlpleu.

Buick ziluup ueil pale zle plekle elu epupu playwheel likalpoutlepekel patueh aiupel. veu ow play vootliwele tell u bau, ble neuunal (beupanelle) nup pew zeluuetpllu zlutep bnaul-plou (bepunal te blui) npeouuktl, lpl playpel all 29 bluuel auenpu prelh.

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