In Göring-Eckardt “Early Beginning”: “Spahn and Scholz Don’t Keep Their Promises”

In Göring-Eckardt "Early Beginning": "Spahn and Scholz Don't Keep Their Promises"

Göring-Eckardt in “Early Beginning”
“Span and Scholz Don’t Keep Their Promises”

Youth will soon be allowed to be vaccinated – but there is no additional vaccine for this. It was promised differently, says Göring-Eckardt, the leader of the Green Party. She sees two ministers responsible.

Katrin Göring-Eckardt, president of the Green Parliamentary Group, was disappointed after the federal and state governments immunization summit that, contrary to previous statements, no additional vaccines are available for children and adolescents.

Young people had few restrictions in the epidemic, which is why promises such as school openings and additional vaccination doses are always promises for the future, Göring-Eckard said in NTV’s “Early Beginning”. “If they are not followed, it is a real problem to be trusted.” This affects Health Minister Jens Spahn as well as Finance Minister Olaf Scholz, who has announced “an incredible amount of vaccines” for the period from May onward. “It is not so now and it is a disappointment.” Göring-Eckardt asked Spahn and Scholz to provide an additional vaccine.

The leader of the Greens parliamentary group expects widespread vaccination of children and adolescents, possibly only by autumn. Considering the statements made after the vaccination summit, Span and the federal government could not keep their promise of being able to make an initial vaccination proposal. “Now you can’t deal with this problem by just standing and saying, so let’s stop.” Instead, the federal government needs a plan for the collapse. Children with previous illnesses who are at risk of serious illness should be offered vaccination very early.

Göring-Eckardt distanced himself from the Permanent Immunization Commission (STIKO), which is unlikely to recommend general vaccinations for children from the age of twelve. If one considers that they are not seriously ill with Kovid-19, it should also be borne in mind that there will be long-term consequences for them as well. “These are then consequences that partially lead to loss for the whole life – and we really shouldn’t risk it.” She hopes that STIKO has all the studies and data on the table that it needs to make such a decision.

In an NTV interview, the leader of the Greens parliamentary group also spoke about the question of whether children’s rights should be included in the Basic Law. The Greens are happy to be there when it is reflected in the Basic Law that the interests of children and youth are given priority. Göring-Eckardt cited urban planning as an example: It may not be that cars are given priority and children have to live inside. Negotiations with the federal government are still ongoing, but their current situation is likely to worsen the situation. “There has to be a real improvement for the children. Otherwise, you have to do it after the general election.”

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