INC NEUE HEILUFER – INC for Integrative Medicine and Cultural Medicine, Community for Livelihood e. v., press release

Logo der Firma Gemeinschaft für Lebendigkeit e. V.
The healing knowledge of our planet is like a treasure trove of knowledge about health and healing. People of all cultures and times have used the forces of nature to enrich and simplify life for the benefit of their social community.

The creation of the World Life Center in Bad Skandau follows the goal of visualizing cultural medicine from various medical traditions and bringing it to life.

I would like to support this project with my 35 years of experience as an ethnomedicine specialist and I am really looking forward to practical implementation at the Congress for Cultural Medicine and Integrative Medicine.

And I look forward to particularly interesting discussions with openly interested doctors who embrace the new spirit of the times and want to integrate aspects of cultural medicine into their work and explore the causes of chronic diseases. Want to develop understanding.

Your doctor medicine Ingfried Hoberte

main event

Day 1 – 10/21/2022 – Program

3.00 pm
SIBYLLE BRÄUER – Feelings for Vibration Community eV

3:15 p.m. (90 minutes)
Doctor med. infried hobert

Doctor for Holistic Medicine and Ethnography
Lecture: Silent Inflammation – The Fire in the System

4:45 p.m. (60 minutes)
Dr HC Peter Genschura

Lecture: Regeneration of deformed structures and functions – transferring the patient from malabsorption to biabsorption.

Day 2 – 10/22/2022 – Program

09:00 am
Dr. Dieter Schwarz (60 min)

Specialist in General Medicine, Chirotherapy, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Sports Medicine
Lecture: Mitochondrial medicine – the key to the treatment or cause of our modern civilizational diseases?

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10:00 am
Doctor med. Sebastijn Peberl (60 min)

specialist in general medicine; Master’s Degree in Emergency Medicine, Integrative and Intensive Care Medicine
Lecture: Cell stimulation with specific frequencies as a bridge between old and new knowledge in medicine and presentation of results from medical practice. Which knowledge has been forgotten?

11:00 – 11:30 AM BREAK

11:30 AM
Anton Stucky (60 min)

Researchers, authors, educators and entrepreneurs specializing in hearing regeneration
Lecture: The Path of Faith

12:30 PM – 2:00 PM Lunch Break

14:00 Clock
Sirid Kulka (60 mins)

Dentists and specialists in diabetes-related periodontitis
Lecture: Research on the relationship between periodontitis and diabetes

3.00 pm
Sven Frank (60 min)

Physician for Naturopathy Hydrology
Lecture: the role of the entire intestinal flora and the consequences of a derailment

16:00 – 16:30 BREAK

4:30 pm

Doctor med. Infried Hobart (90 min)

Doctor for Holistic Medicine and Ethnography
Lecture: unique natural healing knowledge and recipes of the most effective medicinal plants of all cultures on our planet

6:00 p.m. Dinner

Day 3 – 10/23/2022 – Program

09:00 am
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Schröder (75 min)
Professor of Language Use and Therapeutic Communication,
Faculty of Cultural Studies at the European University of Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder).
Lecture: Cultural Medicine’s Answers to the Challenges of Our Time

10:15 am Andreas Masha (45 min)

Philosopher and Project Leader of the World Life Center in Bad Schandhaus
Lecture: Healing Culture and Integral Health Perspectives in Bad Scandau

11:00 – 11:30 AM BREAK

11:30 am Dr. Med. GESINE PETEREIT MA (60 min)
Specialists in General Medicine, Physicians in Naturopathy, Modern Mayer Medicine,
Master in Homeopathy, Neurotherapy and Complementary Medicine and Medicine as well
for cultural studies of the arts
Lecture: Eating Mindfully and the Seven Types of Hunger

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Final round at 12:30 pm
with all participants and speakers

13:30 – 14:30 lunch break
personal round of conversation

Written By
More from Leroy Newman
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