Inflammation of the heart muscle: 6 symptoms

Inflammation of the heart muscle: 6 symptoms

What is inflammation of the heart muscle?

In myocarditis, the heart muscle becomes inflamed. Such inflammation can be acute or chronic. Causes are differentiated between infectious and non-infectious. Infectious myocarditis is triggered by pathogens. These can primarily be viruses such as herpes, measles or influenza virus, but bacteria and, less frequently, fungi can also cause inflammation of the heart muscle. In the case of a non-infectious cause, autoimmune diseases such as rheumatic diseases, medication, radiation or a vaccination can trigger myocarditis.

6 symptoms of swollen heart muscle

Inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis) is not always recognizable, which can complicate diagnosis. Myocarditis can occur, for example, after surviving a cold or stomach flu. It is also possible that myocarditis is asymptomatic.

Inflammation of the heart muscle is often reminiscent of an infection and so the symptoms may not be specific. A particularly severe or persistent tiredness may be the first sign that myocarditis is present. In addition, there may be other symptoms, which appear a few weeks after passing the infection. It also includes:

Recently, when fatigue lasts longer than a normal infection or is particularly severe, a doctor should be consulted to clarify whether symptoms are due to myocarditis.

treatment of inflammation of the heart muscle

Inflammation of the heart muscle should be taken seriously, as it can permanently weaken cardiac output and become life-threatening. However, if myocarditis is recognized early enough and those affected take adequate care of themselves, the chances of a full recovery are good. For the heart to be able to fully recover, it needs complete protection. Any physical exertion should be avoided for three to six months.

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Beta blockers or ACE inhibitors are often prescribed to make the heart even stronger. Patients may also receive short-term immunoglobulins as an infusion. These proteins also support your immune system and fight viruses. Regular check-ups with the doctor are essential to find out whether the treatment is working successfully or not.

Prevent myocarditis after infection

To prevent inflammation of the heart muscle, first, you must take enough time to recover from the infection and take it easy. Anyone who starts exercising again too early is especially prone to heart muscle inflammation. You should feel completely fit again before you start exercising. When you decide to start exercising again, start slow and gradually increase your exercise load.

Video: 5 Tips for a Healthy Cardiovascular System

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