Interior Minister Armin Schuster demands: no more Afghans in Saxony! , regional

Interior Minister Armin Schuster demands: no more Afghans in Saxony!  ,  regional

Dresden – The flow of migrants into Saxony has been increasing for months – particularly through the Balkan route. States and municipalities send SOS. Recording capacity exhausted. But Saxony’s cries for help go unheeded.

Saxony’s Interior Minister Armin Schuster (61) spoke candidly at a CDU event, demanding asylum changes for Germany.

► This includes the continued protection of European external borders and the expansion of the list of protected countries of origin. When asked by BILD, Schuster mentioned Tunisia, Georgia, Algeria and Morocco at the top.

Schuster also suggested “carrying out an initial asylum check with the EU-BAMF at the external borders” – coupled with readjustment agreements based on the model of the EU-Turkey deal.

Escape Routes in the Balkans - Infographic

Considering the 56,000 Ukraine refugees and thousands of migrants who are coming to Saxony via the Balkan route – as well as various special programs, such as those for refugees from Afghanistan, Schuster is calling for all special programs for the admission of refugees. “At least suspended”.

Schuster to BILD: “Otherwise, the humanity and orderliness of past years threaten to get out of joint.”

Finally, according to the interior minister, border controls with the Czech Republic and Poland will also be of “final proportions” – if our neighbors simply continue to let refugees cross.

Nina Shink “The refugee crisis XXL hits Germany!”

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