Investigation against Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz – Politics

Investigation against Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz - Politics

Austria’s Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and his chief Bernhard Bonelli are now listed as suspects in front of the parliamentary committee of inquiry about the possible viability of the turquoise-blue government due to allegedly inaccurate statements. The Economic and Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (WKStA) has begun an investigation against the Chancellor and his office manager, as became known on Wednesday.

Opposition party Neos had brought in a relevant report after Kurz as informant of the so-called Ibiza committee, stating that he was not involved in the appointment of the current head of the Austrian state that had Ö Bag, Thomas Schmidt. Thousands of chat logs, available to commercial and corruption prosecutor von Schmid, suggest that Kurz was heavily involved in the cause.

Shameed, against whom the Government Advocates Office had been investigating for months, clearly saw himself as its chief executive long before the legal reform, with which the bags were reorganized and the chiefs prepared accordingly There was an advertisement for the post, and – presumably with knowledge and approval by the Chancellor and Minister of Finance – for a supervisory board proposal that is acceptable to him to prepare. तुरंत He was appointed CEO soon after the passage of the Bag Act. Schmidt’s chat logs, which can be restored despite previous deletions, show that Kurz was involved in the order such as “you get everything you want anyway”.

Kurz and Bonelli denied participation in “Postenschacker”

In the Inquiry Committee, however, the Chancellor stated that he had only heard from afar that Shameed was interested in the post. Bonali, too, denied close involvement in calls called “post haggling” and “self-service” by the opposition. In the first statement, Kurz stated that he would not resign even if WKStA filed a criminal complaint.

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According to standard Shortly before the cabinet meeting on Wednesday morning, he said that he had recently been informed about the status of his accused. He had tried for hours in the committee to clear the facts for a long time. But it was clearly a method “to create a warm mood” with “accusations”. They quickly try to put a word in someone’s mouth and “force people to make inaccurate statements”.

Apart from the head of his cabinet, the Chancellor is not the only one, but the highest-ranking of VP politicians who are being investigated for false statements in the inquiry committee. Several thatVP politicians had recently publicly proposed that the obligation of truth in committees of inquiry should be abolished.

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