Star Investor has achieved returns of over 100% in the last one year.
(Photo: Bloomberg)
Düsseldorf Tech stocks are under pressure at the moment: The Nasdaq Technology Exchange Index declined 3.8 percent in its value this week. This is especially bad for one investor: American Kathy Wood, who with her investment house ARK focuses exclusively on technology and growth stocks.
Not only are their six exchange-traded, actively managed funds falling, their flagship fund ARKK has lost 6.3 percent this week, while the broader one s & P The 500 lost only 2.2 percent. In addition, investors are pulling out huge amounts of money from the fund, data from the ETF database analysis site shows.
The information is published with a delay of time, so the latest data is as of Tuesday: accordingly, investors withdrew more than $300 million from the ARK fund on that day alone. Combining the Monday and Friday numbers, the outflow adds up to $600 million.
There are three main reasons why tech and growth stocks are weak:
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