Iris Klein: Temporary injunction after family dispute with Silke Katzenberger

Iris Klein: Temporary injunction after family dispute with Silke Katzenberger

Updated on 06/10/2022 at 2:50 pm

  • Iris Klein found a damper in a dispute with her daughter-in-law.
  • Silke Katzenberger is said to have obtained an injunction against Klein.
  • She told the news portal “Promiflash”.

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trouble for iris klein:’s mother Daniela Katzenberger And in recent weeks Jenny Frankhauser has had a public argument with the wife of his son, Tobias Katzenberger. Among other things, Klein claimed that Silke Katzenberger had made fun of her unborn grandson’s name.

In the further course of the argument, Klein published private voice notes from his daughter-in-law and insulted her online. Right now it will finally end here.

Family dispute: Court stays Iris Klein insult

as Portal “Promiflash” Soon after Klein’s first hostilities, from Silke Katzenberger, he applied for an injunction in the district court. He is said to have received a verdict from the court last Tuesday.

From now on, Iris Klein is not allowed to publish any voice messages without Katzenberger’s prior consent. In addition, insults such as “disgusting woman” are prohibited, as “Promiflash” further reports.

In a since-deleted Facebook post, the 55-year-old claimed that Silke Katzenberger would “medicate” Tobias Katzenberger and keep him prisoner.

These statements are now taboo for Iris Klein. According to Promiflash, if you violate a court order, you can be fined. Iris Klein has yet to comment on the alleged court order.

Silke Katzenberger cries against her mother-in-law

Silke Katzenberger is hopeful that the family feud will finally end. “Without knowing us or me at all, how this woman treated people and me, I find female Iris Klein – my mother-in-law – right for the ass,” she rages in the interview.
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