Is chest pain always the same as heart pain? – bobbingen

Is chest pain always the same as heart pain?  - bobbingen

bobbingen: Singold Hall |

Chest pain is not only uncomfortable but also dangerous. After all, the heart is there. But the chest also contains other organs, such as the lungs or esophagus. Therefore, there can be many reasons for chest pain. So when should you really see a doctor? Which pain is harmless and when is it life threatening?

If there are any signs of an acute heart attack, i.e. severe, often radiating pain in the left breast, accompanied by shortness of breath, dizziness, weakness and blue-colored lips, you should call an emergency doctor immediately. In women, the pain may not be limited to the left side only. They are more likely to have chest tightness and pain in the upper abdomen, back, neck, jaw, or throat, and especially nausea, vomiting, and shortness of breath.

But the same applies to all other types of chest pain: it’s better to go to the doctor too late. Especially patients who often suffer from chest pain, for example due to reflux disease, are easily overlooked when the pain is isolated. So it is especially important for them, but also for everyone else, to pay attention to the type and intensity as well as any other complaints.

Symptoms such as nausea, shortness of breath, drowsiness, sweating, tachycardia, heartburn or anxiety provide the doctor with important information for diagnosis. In addition, various examinations such as an ECG, X-ray and ultrasound as well as examination of the abdomen and/or lungs can provide important information about where the symptoms come from. But even if the heart is affected, it is not necessarily a heart attack. In any case, however, the cause should be clarified in order to have clarity and treat the disease at the earliest.

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Dr. Ulrich Treptte, Senior Physician from the Department of Cardiology of the Wertach Clinic, will deliver a lecture on the causes, diagnosis and treatment of chest pain on July 6 at 7.30 pm at Singoldhalle in Bobingen.

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