Is something happening with Jennifer? Now Eva’s ex Chris speaks plain text

Is something happening with Jennifer?  Now Eva's ex Chris speaks plain text

Is something really happening Chris broy And Jennifer ReallyThe Rumors have been around for weeks that the former Somerhaus-Natives and East Berlin – Day-Using actresses together. The two spent several weeks together on the sets of Battle of reality stars And each did so immediately after returning from filming Isolation Officially from your partner. Also want Chris According to his former Evanthia Benetatou (29) Met another woman. Now the man from Cologne comments on the speculation.

As part of a instagram-Question round hooked a fan Chris To see if he is doing anything Jennifer Running is. Eva’s ex replied: “What should I have with him? We were together ‘Battle of reality stars‘, Along with 20 others. “ Her relationship status is: single.

Jennifer However, it has not yet taken a direct stand on the rumors. Influencer revealed about him a few days ago instagram-Key just that he is currently Not in love. He said: “I have a very, very big love and it’s not that new anymore. In a few weeks it will be three years old.” But by this he meant his son Milne.

Jennifer Riley, former "Berlin - Day"-Actress

Instagram / jenefer_riili

Jennifer Riley, former “Berlin – Day and Night” actress;
Chris Broy in Cologne in May 2021
Jennifer Riley (R.) with her son Milano

Instagram / jenefer_riili

Jennifer Riley (R.) with her son Milano
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