Isolde Schmidt-Menzel († 92): “The Mouse of the Mouse” is dead. news

Isolde Schmidt-Menzel († 92): "The Mouse of the Mouse" is dead.  news

Artist Isolde Schmidt-Menzel († 92) ,

“mother’s mother” is dead

She invented a character that shaped generations—now the “mouse’s mother” is dead: Isolde Schmidt-Menzel has died at the age of 92. WDR made the announcement on Saturday, quoting the family.

The Eisenach-born artist illustrated about 35 books and created bronze and ceramic sculptures. She lived as a freelance artist for a long time in Texas and southern France. He is best known for producing the orange cartoon mouse, which was first seen in “The Show with the Mouse” in 1971. WDR acknowledged that he shaped his original and imaginative character with the first 100 or so mouse spots he created.

Jörg Schöneborn, WDR’s program director, said that without him and his great creativity, the mouse would not have seen the light of day. “We are very grateful to Ms. Schmidt-Menzel for this.” The Twitter account “Die Mauss” operated by WDR said: “He gave the mouse its essential character traits and its color and it will remain in it. We are very sad.”

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More than 51 years after it first aired, the show has long since become an institution, with the mouse being honored by the federal president, admired by Stephen Raab and brought to space by Alexander Gerst.

Schmidt-Menzel developed the character from his book illustration “Die Maus im Laden”. In a WDR interview on the occasion of Rat’s 40th birthday, he recalled the time the character was born: “It wasn’t my profession at all, a gray rat. I was into fantastic and crazy things. Then I thought: Rats definitely do.” and the main mouse was orange, with brown ears, arms, and legs.”

Yellow stands for intelligence, red is energy. “Two things in my mouse were my aspirations at once because that’s how I am,” she said. According to WDR, Isolde Schmitt-Menzel died last Sunday, 4 September in Frankfurt/Main surrounded by his family. (rob, dpa)

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