it is too much! – Wiesenschaft.D


cover a lot for this world

Everyone is talking about climate change. But there is a more serious problem that the global community needs to solve: overpopulation. The two challenges are intertwined. Increase in population means more resource consumption and more greenhouse gases. Rainer Klingholz sums up the interrelationships in a factual and linguistic way. As head of the Berlin Institute for Population and Development for many years, he knows the subject, and as a former editor at DIE ZEIT and GEO, he can explain a complex subject very well.

Klingholz also shows the solution. There is only one way to control the population in a democracy, as he insists: good training and enough jobs for all. He gives impressive examples of how such a strategy works.

With climate change and increasing consumption of resources, it becomes more difficult. Klingholz believes that people need to learn to do without. You don’t have to buy everything you can afford. Instead of an SUV with a 5-litre petrol engine, isn’t a modest mid-range model enough? And rather than buying a closet full of trendy cheap clothes, a few durable and sustainably manufactured garments may be enough. Klingholz ends his book with practical advice like this – not only for the individual, but also for politicians whom he considers urgent.claus jacob

pure clingholz
so much for this world
Edition Körber, 360 S., € 24,–
ISBN 978–3–89684–286–2

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