It’s also logical to trust ET
Where Exact Science doesn’t know what to do, its secret ally can help: faith. Both are needed to understand the world.
This structure, 7,000 light-years away, is called the “Pillars of Creation”. It can be described scientifically. But can you figure it out through it as well?
Build: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STSCl/Aura)
I was invited to a concert in a California city by two friends. Louis Armstrong lives, not a name, but “Sachmo”, personally, the godfather of jazz and trumpet of the century. They took me blindfolded and put a stool under me. It smelled of incense-warm wood, and I couldn’t believe my ears: there he was, dead decades ago, singing “Blueberry Hill” in his unique voice, as beautiful as a rusty Rolls Royce. Was.
Jeff was a carpenter who built houses, Jacob was an all-rounder who grilled rattlesnakes caught in the garden. They were both hi-fi freaks who assembled old tube amps and put together a high-quality stereo system in a barn; From turntable needles costing a few thousand dollars to cables as thick as a water pipe to electrostatic loudspeakers the size of a man. Vinyl records stood on the shelf, the press die of which was cut by the master tape at half speed for the highest possible fidelity.
Web guru. Amateur thinker. Unapologetic problem solver. Zombie expert. Hipster-friendly travel geek. Social mediaholic.