It’s never too late – even after a heart attack – healing exercises

It's never too late - even after a heart attack - healing exercises

Coronary heart disease: quitting smoking is always worth it

several of smokers Think it’s already too late for them to be able to benefit from quitting health-wise. A recent review now underscores that it’s never too late to quit smoking, even people who already have one have a heart attack is or under a heart artery disease Sufferers can significantly reduce their risk of another heart attack or stroke by stopping smoking.

in a stream cochrane review Experts have a . have a level of knowledge about the benefits of smoking cessation people who already have one heart attack are suffering or under a heart artery disease Victims gathered. The collected findings make it clear that smoking cessation after a heart attack is still appropriate, as the risk of further cardiovascular events is reduced by about a third.

Every third person dies of heart disease in Germany

more than 30 percent of all deaths are in germany Responsible for cardiovascular disease (CVD)., Heart attacks and strokes have the largest proportion.

Smoking is one of the biggest risk factors

that smoking Having an unhealthy diet with one of the following Major risk factors for developing heart disease, One in ten deaths from heart disease is due to smoking.

it’s never too late to quit smoking

The current Cochrane review concludes that smokers benefit from quitting smoking, regardless of whether they have already had a heart attack or suffered from coronary artery disease. The results of 68 studies, involving a total of more than 80,000 trial individuals, were used for review.

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The evaluation clearly shows that people with coronary heart disease who quit smokingaround their risk of dying from a heart attack or stroke a reduction of one third,

The myth of lost quality of life

Many smokers fear that quitting smoking will have subjective effects. loss of quality of life, Eight studies examined perceived quality of life after smoking cessation.

Six months after smoking cessation, most participants reported having a better personal quality of life compared to smokers.

“Our results demonstrate that smokers have a lower risk of secondary CVD events than those who continue to smoke, and that smoking cessation results in improved quality of life.”Summarize the authors of the Cochrane Review.

“We hope these results will inspire more people to quit smoking and encourage health professionals to be more proactive in helping patients to quit.”, the work group ends. (VB)

Author and source information

This text matches the medical specialist literature, medical guidelines and specifications of current studies and has been checked by medical professionals.


Graduate Editor (FH) Volker Blasecki


  • Cochrane Germany: It’s never too late: Even after a first heart attack, smoking cessation significantly reduces the risk of a second heart attack or stroke. (Published: 08/11/2022), cochrane.d
  • Wu AD, Lindson N, Hartmann-Boyce J, et al: smoking cessation for secondary prevention of heart disease; In: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2022), DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD014936.pub2,

Important Articles:
This article contains general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. He cannot take the place of visiting the doctor.

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