Jackie Chan: “I want to be a member of the Communist Party”

Jackie Chan: "I want to be a member of the Communist Party"

In 2004, he called Taiwan’s democratic presidential election “a huge joke”, 2009 He spoke disparagingly of the Western-liberal lifestyle (“I’m not sure whether it’s good to be free”)—and six years before the Communist Party (KP) appointed him to a branch of the National People’s CongressThe action star has been suffering for years Jackie Chan, Self-born in Hong Kong, increasingly leaning towards the line of Chinese rulers.

The separation between Chan and the democracy movement

Now Chan clearly wants to take another step: “I want to be a member of the Communist Party.” The 67-year-old said that as per reports Chinese state newspaper Global Times«At a symposium in Beijing to which selected Chinese filmmakers were invited. “I see the size of the Communist Party, which delivers what it promises, not in a hundred years, but in a few decades.”

For years, Chan’s political statements have created a divide between the Hollywood actor and the democracy movement in Hong Kong; “Build” newspaper said worker Glacier Quang Now: “We don’t think he should be seen as a role model anymore.”

The last time Chan sang it was in early July at a performance that celebrated CP’s centenary.

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