Japan increased surveillance on monkeypox

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Faced with monkeypox infections, Japan’s Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare Shigeyuki Goto has announced that the country will increase its surveillance.

Minister ExplainedThere have been no reports of infection in Japan so far, although it is a category 4 infectious disease that is under full surveillance.

Authorities must immediately report monkeypox infection

Last week, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Affairs had asked regional authorities and medical facilities to immediately report all suspected cases and increase surveillance. In addition, Japan would like to work closely with the WHO to prevent infection in the country.

The disease develops after an incubation period of one to three weeks after infection with the monkeypox virus. Early symptoms include fever, fatigue, headache, myalgia, and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and chest.

250 infections reported worldwide

Infections in England in the last few days, Germany, the United States and some other countries. were total 250 cases on 24 May,

However, doctors are clarifying everything and saying that it is unlikely that a new epidemic or epidemic is imminent. Nevertheless, WHO recommends smallpox vaccination for vulnerable groups.

America is already preparing for vaccination campaign against the virusEngland is also stockpiling the smallpox vaccine.

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