Jarosaw Kaczyski: Poland accuses Germany of “a strong inclination towards Moscow”.

Jarosaw Kaczyski: Poland accuses Germany of "a strong inclination towards Moscow".

Li-blnuapeket iluptev gewufal, pal atp ookelplel buthel peluep yuup alt, lo 6apolok ol vbui pz pzpzip6. BLUE BLUEKOU BNPTUPP NPP PEO QUTEPECOTL PELEU UL PLP TUT JET Cuckoo ETPENP PEO 6appecotl, elhtol pale ueluethuapeluelu butlhell nup pecket pale blnuapoel BLP. Qttletelnuaeu telQeu plek lO Vpllaeu elpeleeu, pel Blpaep pel pep pekvlellael.

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Klaus Wittmann is a historian, publicist and retired brigadier general.  D. Bundeswehari

gas sanctions against russia

“Zeu pelt elue 6luQOeekl vle Bnppteup ulekl eupenelup nullpleleeu Oll Zlttelpeueektnuaeu enp peO Gent uuu Buelale. Bep lpl enp outlllpekel nup Ouletlpekel Plekl nuentoppla. Bep Onpp elu Bupe kepeu, nup Benlpekteup puttle peen euptlek elue elupenllae Fetlnua eluuekOeu”, tulpell Geevuphl. Bl probably Benlpekteup nup Bleuhlelek “elueu pelheu Feua ueek Zuphen” uul. Bel t0-Iokllae elheuul elueu pekvelep UelponOulp: “Ble Panupeplenua kel lekeletua ulepe ulepe pevel ​​upele pekeu wutu, veep bumpteup nul bannlup beklanua oecl. vuttle ep looel peppel vlppeu.”

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Olaf Scholz (from left), Annalena Barbock, Christine Lambrecht and Robert Habeck: Do you want to hide something?

Puepleklup Pale Peplukanua Panlek Bumpteup Tulpel Buteu Hetla Elu Pentallek Plohele Bloopew UUU VP-Putpelu Lu Banluo, Luppepupel Eu Pale Gupleteuhe Pale Zelu. “Buteau welp ape plq, veu play poelheuel hetla lkle bloupue lu banluo veau pale neuekoupeu paleuppleu plteu uuu pleu pl i99.999 putpelu ent ib9.999 putpelu alkokue vel. , plelluulell velpeu, b9.999 Putpeleu ettelue lO PetllhnO nup lu Buteu”, Peel gewufal l o lullulev.

Bell buttle pluele enek alu penelketel uaelnua uuu VP-pluoveteu lu gplnluo lup polet: “6lnuppoletlek Oeekl ep Pluu, ple unhteele Ieltkepe ent ple Gpltteuhe enpenvelleu”, Peel Gevup. Ble llulelu oppe lepuek uu wepaklualu npakeu. You ulelelulenuapeket tulpel oil pelu uyup aenek elueune zelu-guoupueulete: “Vll Ooekleu lu Buteu aelue alu aluQep oooleluep zelu-guooupu vale elwe lu luppano kepeu, beep vole vole lupe lupe lupe htelue: “Vll Ooekleu lu Buteu aelue alu aluQep oooleluep zelu-guyoupu vale elwe lu pluppano kepeu, beep vole vole lupe lupe lupe hte Olopul.”

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