JavaScript: Electron 12.0 adds API for web frame access to the main process

JavaScript: Electron 12.0 adds API for web frame access to the main process

The Electron JavaScript Framework developed by GitHub is available in version 12.0, while Electron 9.x is no longer supported (end-of-life): if you are still working with this version, you should upgrade now. Electron 12.x leaps from Node.js from 12 to 14 and brings innovation in the field of APIs: a new one webFrameMainAPI that allows developers to subframe WebContents– Instances can now also be called from the main process.

In the first rendering process there was only one webFrameAPI to use WebContents. The new API should also make the functionality for the main process tangible. This should be useful for developers who build extensions for electrons and test them. The lack of interface in the main process was also initially noticed by an extension developer who suggested upgrading the framework. For new api Documentation is available from Electron.

Can be configured using ContextBridge exposeInMainWorld Recently also provide non-object APIs. If an object is associated with an API call, the corresponding API cannot yet be released – the innovation explicitly provides a measure here. Additionally, the default value of contextIsolation And here it worldSafeExecuteJavaScript Now true: This means that both parameters have been changed by default and if not required it has to be actively deactivated (electrons up to 11.x) This was the other way around. Therefore this change is also a change in the current release.

This also crashReporter.start({ compress }) Default setting is true It is now active by default. As electron 12.0, it is considered overthrown remote– Number: @electron/remote Replaces it. Who so far remoteModule was used For a guide on migration to GitHub.

Since Chromium no longer supports Flash, Flash support from Electron 12.x is not available. Chromium project has put a flash roadmap online. The minimum requirement for x86 processors on Chrome is now SSE3: CPUs that do not support SSE3 have dropped out of support for Chromium projects and Electron 12.x has also dropped this support. This is a more in-depth explanation Publicly viewable Google Doc.

Other breaking changes affect the API. Also for the new interface webFrameMainModules and changes contextBridge– Interfaces for API, browser windows, and apps receive a variety of changes that affect, among other things, the rendering process, tablet mode for browser windows, and desired display size. There are adjustments to the Windows refresh rate for the Display API, and most changes affect the API responsible for a session: a spell check must be turned on and off through the interface, reloading the extension should be easy and Extensions can be matched. With one ses.loadExtension()-API new added option allowFileAccess The file may have been accessed.

All other changes can be made Can be found in the blog entry of electron.js. The twelfth version of Electron brings changes to the stack. The framework now supports V8 in version 8.9 and Chromium 89. Electron 12.0 is available as a stable release on the project website ready for download. The most significant innovation of the previous version from November 2020 was support for ARM processors that were introduced in a new form by Apple at the time. A first Timetable preview for next major version 13.0 Is already visible.

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